VEA Wants to Fund Your Classroom Project!
Got an innovative idea you’ve been itching to try with your students but just don’t have the money to make happen? Your Union is ready to help you turn your creativity loose!
Plan out your idea and then apply for a VEA Mini-Grant in any amount up to $500. If you’re selected, you’ll be set to launch your idea to improve student learning. Projects should be student-centered, developmentally appropriate, and aligned with the curriculum. The VEA is proud to support member projects each year through the Mini-Grant program.
Application information for 2025-26 VEA Mini-Grants coming soon!
Questions? Contact Isabel Sullivan in VEA Teaching & Learning at or 800-552-9554, ext. 332.
The NEA Foundation offers competitive Learning & Leadership and Student Achievement grants of up to $5,000 for a range of professional development and instructional improvement endeavors. Application deadlines vary by program.
The Beblon G. Parks Scholarship Fund awards either two $1,000 scholarships to two high school seniors or one $2,000 scholarship to a single high school senior, depending on the pool of qualified applicants. The applicant must plan to pursue a career in the field of Education. A letter of nomination from a current Virginia Education Association (VEA) member or VEA-Retired member is required. See the attached application for the scholarship criteria.
The deadline to submit the application and supporting criteria is March 31, 2025.
The Rosa Lee Guard Scholarship Fund will award up to two $2000.00 scholarships to SVEA-Aspiring Educator members who have actively engaged in AE activities at the chapter, state, and/or national level. Deadline to apply is April 6, 2025
The NEA Foundation and the NEA offer a range of awards, including the following:
The NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence
Awarded to a distinguished Association member for “professional practice, advocacy for the profession, community engagement, leadership in professional development and attention to diversity.” Each affiliate of the NEA submits one candidate. Visit the NEA Foundation website for details.
NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards
The NEA’s division of Human and Civil Rights conducts an annual awards program honoring distinguished leaders in education and other settings. Descriptions of award categories are available here. For more, contact NEA Human and Civil Rights at 202-822-7700.
According to a poll conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, 66% of Virginians say public schools do not have enough funding to meet their needs.
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